Fort Leonard Wood leaders light installation’s Christmas tree during holiday celebration

Fort Leonard Wood leaders light installation’s Christmas tree during holiday celebration

By Melissa Buckley, Fort Leonard Wood Public Affairs Office

– FORT LEONARD WOOD, Mo. — Fort Leonard Wood leaders — with a little help from Santa and Mrs. Claus — flipped the switch Dec. 6 at Joint Services Park, lighting the installation Christmas tree and signaling the start of the holiday season.

In addition to lighting the tree, the winners of the 2024 Cards to the Community contest were announced during the celebration. Each year, participants design and display four-by-eight-foot wooden greeting cards near the installation’s Christmas tree. This year’s winner was the U.S. Army Engineer School’s Counter Explosive Hazards Center. Second place went to Pulaski Creative Arts and third place was Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Marketing Department.

The event also provided an opportunity for the Fort Leonard Wood community to hear children from the School Age Center 4-H Caroling Club and members of the Waynesville High School Chamber Choir singing.

Following the musical performance, Maj. Gen. Christopher Beck, Maneuver Support Center of Excellence and Fort Leonard Wood commanding general, addressed the crowd.

“This is a wonderful time of year. Please have a great holiday season and enjoy your Christmas. Everybody works hard all year long. Let’s take some time with family and friends and have a safe holiday season,” Beck said.

After his remarks, Beck — along with Maneuver Support Center of Excellence and Fort Leonard Wood Command Sgt. Maj. Jorge Arzabala — welcomed the post’s two visitors from the North Pole, who hitched a ride with the Fort Leonard Wood Fire Department to help light the 30-foot-tall tree.

Once the switch was flipped, Santa and Mrs. Claus stayed to meet with children and hear their Christmas wishes.

The Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Directorate had several tents set up across the park, where children could write letters to Santa, play games and enjoy sweet treats.

Twelve-year-old Adrianna Cully said this was her first time attending Fort Leonard Wood’s tree lighting and she was excited to watch the park light up and spend some quality time with her family and friends.

“I have always heard it is such a neat moment to watch the lights turn on,” Cully said. “My friends said it is a lot fun and I am excited to be here.”

Children will have another to chance to see Santa Dec. 20 when he hops aboard a Fort Leonard Wood fire truck to help with the annual Candy Cane Toss, which starts at 2 p.m. and winds its way through on-post housing areas. When families hear sirens nearby, they are encouraged to come outside, say hello to Santa and pick up some candy canes. Visit the Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation website for more information on this and other upcoming FMWR events.

More photos from the tree lighting ceremony can be viewed on Fort Leonard Wood’s Flickr page.