
G-8 Resource Management


The TRADOC G-8 enables the mission by providing strategic resource, force and acquisition management leadership, stewardship and advice to TRADOC and the Army enterprise.


Cultivate a team of dedicated, professional, and responsive stewards advancing a mission-oriented culture of innovation and collaboration. Provide every echelon within TRADOC and all enterprise partners with analytically sound strategic leadership in order to maximize resources to design, acquire, build, and improve Army Readiness.

Primary Functions

  • Monitor, manage and execute resources
  • Program for future resource and manpower needs
  • Advocate and defend resource and manpower needs
  • Ensure acquisition visibility, accountability and affordability
  • Achieve audit readiness
  • Lead and/or participate in resource forums


The AMOD’s mission is to develop, implement, and monitor Acquisition Management and Oversight processes and procedures to improve TRADOC’s use of resources by: improving acquisition productivity, enhancing management and oversight efficiency programs; conducting management studies and analyses; providing acquisition management consulting; providing advisory and support services to the Command; and leading DCS, G-8 strategic acquisition planning. Serves as the Army’s Portfolio Manager for Education and Training Knowledge Based Services, proponent for TR 5-14 and associated policies for review and approval process for all contract requirement actions; and, lead for the TRADOC Contract Database (TCD).


AMOD consists of 2 divisions: Current Operations Division and Strategic Acquisition Operations Division.

  • Director, 757-501-6800
  • Deputy Director/Current Operations Division, 757-501-6799
  • Strategic Acquisition Operations Division, 757-501-6776
Useful Links (CAC may be required & some links may be Permission-Restricted)

TRADOC Contract Database (TCD)


Provides budget policy management, analysis, and services to TRADOC CoEs, schools, activities, and HQ TRADOC staff elements to ensure maximum mission effectiveness, balance across functions, and responsible fiscal stewardship.


The Budget Directorate consists of three divisions: Resource Analysis Division – Funds Control, Centers and Activities Analysis Division, and HQ Activities Division.

  • Director, 757-501-6670
  • Deputy Director, 757-501-6669
  • Resource Analysis Division – Funds Control, 757-501-6725
  • Centers and Activities Analysis Division, 757-501-6667
  • HQ Activities Division, 757-501-6759
Useful Links (CAC may be required & some links may be Permission-Restricted)

Budget AKO Website


Provides finance and accounting policy interpretation and technical guidance, and financial Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems development and support to HQ TRADOC, subordinate organizations, and tenant activities that ensures compliance with statutory policy and promotes fiscal integrity and stewardship of resources. Supports and coordinates Army Audit Readiness activities ICW the TRADOC IRAC office and enterprise partners. Serves as liaison with the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), HQDA, and applicable ERP system Program Manager’s for TRADOC customers.


The FAD consists of two divisions: Accounting and Financial Services Division, and ERP Integration and Fiscal Compliance Division.

  • Director, 757-501-6773
  • Deputy Director, 757-501-6775
  • Accounting and Financial Services Division, 757-501-6774
  • ERP Integration and Fiscal Compliance Division, 757-501-6775
Useful Links (CAC may be required & some links may be Permission-Restricted)

Civilian Timecards
Army Financial Management & Comptroller
DFAS-IN Manual 37-100
DFAS Manual 7097.01
Joint Travel Regulations (JTR)
GCSS-A (Production)
Audit Readiness SharePoint Site


Manages TRADOC force structure, manpower (military and civilian), and equipment requirements determination programs. In addition, provides technical and program guidance as the Army Command Career Program Manager for Career Program 26, Manpower and Force Management.


The MFAD consists of a Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Cell and four divisions: Force Development (FDD), Force Integration (FID), Force Studies (FSD) and Force Modeling (FMD).

  • Director, 757-501-6575
  • Deputy Director, 757-501-6576
  • Force Development (FDD), 757-501-6612
  • Force Integration (FID), 757-501-6611
  • Force Studies (FSD), 757-501-6639
  • Force Modeling (FMD), 757-501-6620
Useful Links (CAC may be required & some links may be Permission-Restricted)


Provides planning, programming, program analysis, cost factoring, cost study and analysis, and evaluation capabilities to achieve TRADOC resource management goals and objectives.


The PAED consists of three divisions: Future Force Resourcing, Training, and Cost Analysis.

  • Director, 757-501-6698
  • Deputy Director, 757-501-6699
  • Future Force Resourcing Division, 757-501-6590
  • Training Division, 757-501-6700
  • Cost Analysis Division, 757-501-6701


The Strategic Plans and Systems Integration Office provides G-8 leadership with a small, agile, strategically-focused team to lead independent research, analysis, assessments and recommendations on the resource impacts of Army and command strategic plans/initiatives; requires collaboration and integration across the TRADOC staff and within the G-8 in order to ensure all aspects of the resource management spectrum are taken into consideration when making recommendations. Additionally, manages and develops G-8 mission systems and automated/Business Intelligence (BI) solutions in the resource management community.


The SPSI consists of two sections: Strategic Plans and Systems Integration.

  • Director, 757-501-6777
  • Strategic Plans, 757-501-6686
  • Systems Integration, 757-501-6685


The Training Cell’s mission is to better equip and grow the workforce professionally by providing high quality training opportunities and supporting employee development.


The Training Team consists of 3 members with expertise in the DOD FM Certification Program, Annual Training Requirements, and CP-11, CP-26, and CP-51 training opportunities.

  • Training Coordinator, 757-501-6693

Deputy Chief of Staff, G-8

Office Telephones:DSN:501-XXXX, Commercial (757) 501-XXXX, FAX (757) 501-7097
Postal Address
Deputy Chief of Staff, G-8
661 Sheppard Place
Room 220
Fort Eustis, VA 23604-5727

DCS, G-8 Key Staff
  • Stephen G. Barth, Deputy Chief of Staff , G-8
  • Executive Officer (XO) and Administrative Support Office (ADMIN)
  • Director, Planning, Analysis, and Evaluation
  • Director, Budget
  • Director, Manpower and Force Analysis
  • Director, Finance and Accounting
  • Director, Acquisition Management and Oversight
Phone Numbers
Email Us

DCS, G-8 Webmaster | TRADOC Public Affairs

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