G-3/5/7 Operations, Plans, and Training
Develop, integrate, and manage training operations and requirements, concepts, policies, plans; and directs operations continuously across TRADOC in support of CG TRADOC, ARFORGEN and the Human Capital Enterprise in order to build a campaign-capable, expeditionary and versatile Army in support of the Joint War-fighting Commander.
Lines of Effort
- Operations and Functions
- Current operations, readiness reporting, orders, taskings
- Command Provost Marshal
- Manage TRADOC readiness reporting
- Chemical Surety
- Plans
- Current and future command plans
- Command priorities integration
- TRADOC Strategic Plan
- Army Campaign Plan
- Training
- Command-wide training load planning & management
- Security assistance training management
- HQs level staff management/staff assist for:
- Individual, collective, inter-service, and joint training and leader development
- Reserve component training
- Integration of training, leadership and education into capabilities development
The Command Provost Marshal Directorate leads the operational execution of TRADOC’s Force Protection (FP) mission:
- Antiterrorism (AT) Program
- Domestic Criminal and Antiterrorism Intelligence
- Physical Security (PS) Program
- Military Working Dog (MWD) Program
Performs staff management for:
- Assistance to the Combined Arms Center and the Combined Arms Support Command (all TRADOC Schools) and, the Army Accessions Command (( United States Army Cadet Command (USACC)
- United States Military Entrance Processing Command (USMEPCOM)
- United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC)
- he Accessions Support Brigade (ASB)) regarding FP training, plans, policies, assessments, and security programs The execution of four Management Decision Packages (MDEPs): Antiterrorism (VTER)
- Physical Security (QPSM); Law Enforcement – Military Working Dogs (QLPR)
- MTOE Units (WEAD)
Employment and deployment of HQ TRADOC’s Military Police Units, Detachments and Military Working Dog assets
Facilitates, integrates and synchronizes TRADOC Detainee Operations efforts across DOTMLPF domains
Force Protection definition (DoD) – “Actions taken to prevent or mitigate hostile actions against Department of Defense personnel (to include family members), resources, facilities, and critical information. Force protection does not include actions to defeat the enemy or protect against accidents, weather, or disease.”
- Develops policy, establishes plans, and implements TRADOC’s operational execution of the Army AT Program; develops TR 525-13, Force Protection.
- Advises CG TRADOC and DCS, G-3/5/7 (TRADOC FP Officer) on the operational execution of the TRADOC Force Protection mission
- Serves as HQ TRADOC Antiterrorism Officer (ATO)
- Plans and executes the AT Working Group and AT Executive Committee IAW the DCG approved charter; provides the AT Working Group Chair
- Develops, establishes and implements the TRADOC Core Vulnerability Assessment Program (CVAMP). Guidance and instructions regarding CVAMP can be found within the DoD Antiterrorism Enterprise Portal (ATEP) .
- TRADOC Domestic Criminal and Antiterrorism Intelligence
- Develops, establishes and implements the TRADOC Domestic Criminal and AT Intelligence Program
- Collects, analyzes and disseminates FP domestic threat information for TRADOC
- Develops, establishes and implements the TRADOC Threat and Local Observation Notice (TALON) reporting system in the Joint Protection Enterprise Network (JPEN)
- Prepares the TRADOC Annual Terrorist Threat Assessment
- Operates the HQ TRADOC FP Intelligence Fusion Cell and serve as a member in the Regional FP Intelligence Fusion Cell
- Assists DCS, G-1/4 by providing analysis of crime statistics for the TRADOC risk reduction program; provides a member of the HQ TRADOC Executive Council for Risk Reduction
- Integrates and synchronizes Detainee Operations (DO) efforts across the DOTMLPF domain in accordance with HQ TRADOC’s supporting plan to DO
- Represents TRADOC on the HQDA Senior Detainee Operations Oversight Council
- Military Police School website (links to latest training materials, i.e. training support packages)
- Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) website contains searchable historical database.
- Intelligence Center Online Network (website contains searchable database of training material and lessons learned)
- Assists Senior Mission Commanders in their law enforcement mission by coordinating TRADOC’s response to plans, policies and programs.
- Coordinating TRADOC’s response to plans, policies and programs
- Administers the HQ TRADOC Centralized Operations Police Suite (COPS) MTOE units
- TRADOC MP Force Structure Management
- Provides staff management for the manning, equipping, force structure, employment, and deployment of TRADOC’s Military Police Units, Detachments and Military Working Dog assets
- Develops, establishes, and implements the TRADOC Physical Security Program.
- Serves as TRADOC Physical Security Officer (PSO)
- Manages PS portion of the HQ TRADOC Chemical Surety Program
- Serves as member of the HQ TRADOC Chemical Surety BoardManages PS portion of the HQ TRADOC Chemical Surety Program
- Serves as member of the HQ TRADOC Chemical Surety Board
- Represents TRADOC on the HQDA Physical Security Review Board and on the HQDA Physical Security Equipment Action Group
If you have information regarding a crime or a suspicious incident of U.S. Army interest, immediately contact the nearest CID office or Email CID at crime.tips@belvoir.army.mil.
If you are the victim of a sexual assault and need assistance, please call the DoD Task Force on Care for Victims of Sexual Assault at 1-800-497-6261 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. EST, Monday – Friday. For more information about Army CID services available to crime victims click here.
TRADOC G-33 Current Operations supports TRADOC by providing command wide support and oversight of current operations to maintain situational awareness and ensure timely and accurate command and control reporting to higher, lower and horizontal headquarters. G-33 is an enabler across all TRADOC core functions (CFs), CG priorities and initiatives.
- Facilitating Mission Command
- Orders
- Taskings (operational and individual/WIAS)
- Operational Reporting via TRADOC Watch Team
- Crisis Action Team (CAT)
- Assisting the Senior Leadership in maintaining Situational Awareness
- Cdrs Unit Status Report (CUSR)
- TRADOC Enterprise Calendar (TEC)
- Mission Synchronization and Collaboration Tool (MSCT)
- DA G-3/5/7 hosted World-wide SVTC
- Senior Officer Orientation Program (SOOP)
- Satisfying Statutory and Regulatory Requirements
G-33 Current Operations SharePoint Portal Webpage (requires CAC access)
Conducts strategic level force integration activities, essential coordination and synchronization with ACOMs and key select stakeholders in support of fielded force, capabilities, and external integration serving as the bridge for force integration core function activities across the Army enterprise ensuring TRADOC Commander’s intent and guidance is incorporated into DOTLMPF integration for current and future operations.
- Provides strategic support to Capability Development and Fielded Force Integration for TRADOC and the Army.
- Directly supports integration with CAC FFID, TCMs and CDIDs.
- Army Requirements Analysis Council (AROC).
- Strategic Portfolio Analysis Review (SPAR).
- External Integration for TRADOC and the Army.
- Co-lead for TCM PM.
- Responsible to the DCS, G-3/5/7 for executing assigned responsibilities; Reports to the DCS, G-3/5/7 for all Army Capability Development, Fielded Force Integration and external integration responsibilities, directives, authorities, policies, planning, and programming guidance.
- Provides ACOM coordination to support TRADOC CFL for Fielded Force Integration for TRADOC and the Army.
- Integrates with AFC as they transition design, development, and integration of Army forces into the joint force from concept to capability development and transfer to the Fielded Force Core Functional Lead.
- Provides TRADOC integration with the AFC to include subordinates to include the eight cross-functional teams (CFTs): Long-Range Precision Fires, Air and Missile Defense, Next Generation Combat Vehicle, Future Vertical Lift, Soldier Lethality, Network and Assured Position, Navigation and Timing.
- Serves as TRADOC representative for AROC and SPAR.
- Represent the Army for all WfFs and HQs TRADOC in CNA, ONS and other capability development processes.
- TRADOC Lead for Army Modernization Strategy.
- Support TRADOC 2028 (TRADOC Next)
- Advance Personnel, Equipment and Infrastructure Readiness
- Enable Increased Army End Strength (IES)
- Harness capabilities to achieve Fully Operational Capability of Cyber Center of Excellence
- Spearhead Overall Strategy for Health, Fitness, Resiliency, and Associated Programs
- Implement HR/Mil Pay Transformation
- Propel Civilian Workforce Transformation
- Inculcate Integrated Safety and Risk Management across DOTMLPF-P
- Mobilize Supervisor/Workforce Engagement
A G-1/4 team of innovative, adaptive, and diverse professionals who provide exceptional service and support to meet the ever-changing challenges for TRADOC, the Army and the Department of Defense
Analyzes, prioritizes, integrates and synchronizes Command requirements and solutions IAW CG Priorities and develops metrics to support decision making of command and staff requirements.
- TRADOC 1-N Mission/Functional Training Prioritization
- Develop the TRADOC Strategic Update (TSU) briefing, delivered to the VCSA for Army Campaign Plan (ACP) and Army Synchronization Meetings (ASM)
- Analyze and evaluate TRADOC functions across Lines of Operation (LOO) in support of the TRADOC Campaign Plan
- Co-Chair Mission & Resource Board for FY 12 Year-end FPL, FY 12 TRADOC Budget Guidance (TBG) and POM Requirements
- Implement Cost Benefit Analysis (C-BA) across TRADOC
- Conduct modeling and simulation using an array of analytic capabilities
SATFA Mission
SATFA brokers and manages US Army institutional training solutions for international students authorized and funded by Security Cooperation and select Building Partner Capacity programs in order to provide our international partners with the skills, knowledge, and understanding that leads to enhanced relationships, cooperation and shared security efforts.
Who We Are
Annually, SATFA manages the training of over 10,000 international students. Students come from 147 countries to over 100 Army-managed training activities, including TRADOC schools (38%), Non-TRADOC schools (60%), and Non-Army DoD or contractor (2%).
SATFA Organization
SATFA consists of two major divisions, Operations, and Financial Management; and two major supporting offices: Policy, Plans, Programs and Projects (P4) and Information Management.
Operations Division develops, coordinates, and manages U.S. Army Security Assistance Training for international military and civilian students in DoD schools and other training activities and is comprised of the following branches:
- Quota Management
With program teams focused on:
- DoD FMS/FMF/IMET/ Section 333 Building Partner Capacity
- DoD Combating Terrorism and Irregular Warfare Fellowship Program (CT/IWFP)
- Coalition Readiness Support Program (CRSP)
The Financial Management Division serves as the TRADOC lead for centralized financial management across all Security Cooperation Training Programs and is comprised of the following branches:
- Financial Programs (Case and Grant Programs)
- Financial Systems/Accounting/Pricing
- Budget/POM
- Miscellaneous Pay
The Policy, Plans, Programs, and Projects Office includes the DoD-mandated Field Studies
International Military Student Office (IMSO) support, and special projects and
Information Management Office provides all organizational information technology support.
Training Operations Management Activity (TOMA)
The Training Operations Management Activity (TOMA) plans, coordinates, and manages documenting, programming, scheduling, logistic management, and training management operations for Army courses conducted in the TASS during peacetime and mobilization.
TOMA consists of the Director, Deputy Director, and administrative office and three divisions. The divisions are Operations, Programs, and Systems.
IAPD manages and coordinates TRADOC international activities to synchronize the exchange of DOTMLPF-P information with Army Service Component Command (ASCC) priority countries, including allies and treaty partners, in order to enhance current and future operational capabilities; increase interoperability; and build partnerships.
The International Army Programs Directorate (IAPD) is responsible for Title 10 Security Cooperation Activities and the guiding annual TRADOC Campaign Support Plan. IAPD directs TRADOC’s OCONUS Liaison Officer Program covering 11 allied nations and 5 Army Service Component Commands (ASCC). Additionally, IAPD manages TRADOC’s Military Personnel Exchange and Foreign Liaison Officer (FLO) Programs. There are 78 FLOs from 17 countries assigned to HQ TRADOC, the Centers of Excellence, and their Branch Schools. IAPD also programs, plans, coordinates, and executes TRADOC support to ASCC Theater Security Cooperation Plans, Army-Army and TRADOC level bilateral staff talks, and distinguished foreign visits. Lastly, IAPD provides opportunities to integrate and expand bilateral partner nation and alliance contributions to ARCIC’s concepts and capabilities development activities in order to strengthen coalition capabilities.
Key Initiatives
IAPD’s efforts in completing the Building Partner Capacity Concept (TRADOC PAM 525-8-4) and Capabilities Based Assessment (CBA) established the foundation for the recently approved “Engagement” Warfighting Function (WfF) being led by US Army Special Operations Command. The directorate will continue to represent the Building Partnerships Joint Capability Area to integrate security cooperation related required capabilities, gaps, and solutions into the Army’s Capabilities Needs Analysis process until the Engagement WfF CBA is complete. IAPD will also facilitate several efforts focused on interoperability to include:
- Partner participation in future Network Integration Evaluations and Army Warfighting Assessments
- Partner participation in the Decisive Action Training Environment
- Foreign Liaison Officer Interoperability Council