G1/4/9 Personnel, Logistics and Engineering
Enable mission success across all TRADOC organizations by providing expert support for personnel, logistics, infrastructure, and integration of Enterprise Services for TRADOC. Design, develop and influence Army-wide initiatives. Provide functional oversight of Command Surgeon, History, Safety and Occupational Health, and Retention Programs on behalf of the Commander. Meet operational and institutional requirements while taking care of Soldiers, Families, and Civilians.
A G1/4/9 team of innovative, adaptive, and diverse professionals who provide exceptional service and support to meet the ever changing challenges for TRADOC, the Army and the Department of Defense
Mission CommandSupport the re-invigoration of our philosophy of mission command in all leaders by influencing civilian leader development, strengthening organizational climates that support decision making and empower teams.
ReformReview everything TRADOC does for the Army to improve our operations and Army readiness and capability. Fully engage in the planning process ensuring G1/4/9 areas of responsibility are fully incorporated while pursuing expansive and innovative internal reforms.
Combat FitnessHelp the Army field the Army Combat Fitness Test and change the fitness culture of the force. Define medical limitations in administering alternate events for the Army Combat Fitness Test.