Adjutant General Directorate
Provide the leadership and the organizations of the Training and Doctrine Command military personnel support through policies and resources that will allow the command to successfully execute its mission.
- Continue to stress the positive aspects of what we do and develop methodology that will enhance our ability to meet future requirements as well as serve our customers more effectively and efficiently
- Provide superior quality customer service.
- Evaluate and continuously improve process performance.
- Optimize resources to enhance efficiency.
- Serve as the primary advisor and administrator to the Command Group in all matters pertaining to military personnel retention and ensure a fair share of the TRADOC retention mission is distributed throughout the MACOM.
- Support TRADOC’s mission and assist commanders in maintaining an environment free of human relation detractors.
- Accomplish cross-training and cross-training related actions critical to the sustainment of Military Personnel Actions Team mission capability.
- Manage TRADOC’s military personnel fill in a manner that maximizes readiness and minimizes personnel as a resource constraint.
- Develop and implement effective strength management procedures and systems to ensure 100% accountability of Drill Sergeants, Recruiters, Instructors, and Observer/Controllers.
- Advocate TRADOC schools’/activities’ policies and command input across the spectrum of military personnel issues.
- Provide responsive support to TRADOC schools and activities.
- Reorganize and manage retention personnel assets to sustain the Operational Army (OA) and formulate a strategy for more effective Soldier support with remaining resources to enable Army Transformation.
- Provide quality military personnel readiness and strength management oversight of manning initiatives to support Army and TRADOC Transformation.
- Transform practices to efficiently use resources, both personnel and monetary, for TRADOC to accomplish its retention mission.
- Be a cohesive team of committed professionals who, through empowerment and the mastery of technology, deliver a quality product in support of TRADOC’s Leaders and Soldiers.
- Keep TRADOC a premier organization.
Adjutant General (AG) Readiness & Strength Management Division (RSMD)
Mission Statement
Provide quality Military Personnel Readiness and Strength Management through the development and execution of plans, programs, and systems in support of TRADOC’s senior leaders and organizations.
To be a cohesive team of committed professionals who, through empowerment and the master of technology, deliver a quality product.
- Strength Management: Accurate and timely analysis of TRADOC’s military personnel strength posture with a view to garner maximum support for TRADOC.
- Distribution: Distribution of military personnel consistent with Senior TRADOC Leader guidance.
- Readiness: Provide timely and accurate personnel actions and readiness information to support TRADOC’s senior leaders and organizations.
- Work Force Development: An empowered, technically proficient work force in a safe, caring, and fun environment.
- Research and Analysis: Thorough and timely data and/or recommendations to Senior TRADOC Leaders and Staff Agencies.
- TRADOC Status Report
- Personnel Accounting/Strength Reporting
- Personnel Distribution/Manning Guidance
- Personnel Utilization
- Drill Sergeant/Instructor Management
HQ TRADOC Officer Distribution Management
Mission Statement
Provide quality officer strength management for HQ TRADOC.
Functions Functions
- Requisition Processing
- Officer Strength Reporting
- Officer Distribution
- Officer Promotion/Selection List Review
Assist the Commanding General in his role as the Command’s Equal Opportunity Officer. To monitor the execution of TRADOC’s EO program in all commands, agencies, and activities under TRADOC’s jurisdiction to ensure equal and fair treatment of all military personnel, family members, and DA civilians without regards to race, color, gender, religion, or national origin.
- Equal Opportunity
- EO Staff Assistance Visits
- Help create and maintain a command climate of fair and equitable treatment.
- Provide outstanding EO support to all TRADOC units/activities.
- Improve capabilities for monitoring TRADOC’s EO climate.
- Maintain active partnership with HQDA to be proactive on human relations issues.
Serve as the primary advisor and administrator to the commanding General and Command Sergeant Major on all matters pertaining to Army military personnel retention. Our office is responsible for promotion, implementation, management, and support of the Army Retention Program including transition into the Reserve Components.
Contact Information
5 North Gate Rd, 3rd Floor
Fort Monroe, VA 23651
5 North Gate Rd, 3rd Floor
Fort Monroe, VA 23651
Reserve Component Command Career Counselor
Phone: (757) 788-5112
Fax: (757) 788-2382
Retention Operations NCOs
Phone: (757) 788-5115/5114
Fax: (757) 788-2382
- DCG-IET Assitance Visit
- Budget/TDA/Suspense Management
- AG Staff Assistance Visit/PMAT Visit
- Band Inspections
- Command Briefings
Provide the senior leadership and the organizations of the Training and Doctrine Command with quality military personnel support through policies and resources that will allow the commands to successfully execute its mission.

- Continue to stress the positive aspects of what we do and develop methodology that will enhance our ability to meet future requirements as well as serve our customers more effectively and efficiently.
- Provide superior quality customer service.
- Evaluate and continuously improve process performance.
- Optimize resources to enhance efficiency.
- Serve as the primary advisor and administrator to the senior leadership and TRADOC units/activities in all matters pertaining to military personnel services.
- Advocate TRADOC schools’/activities’ policies and command input across the spectrum of military personnel
services issues. - Provide responsive support to TRADOC schools and activities.
- Be a cohesive team of committed professionals who, through empowerment and the mastery of technology,
deliver a quality product in support of TRADOC’s Leaders and Soldiers.
- Regulatory Implementation
- Military personnel services through implementation of numerous regulatory actions (typically involving individual Soldiers). Individual Travel Orders, OCONUS TDY and coordination, Command Policy and other.
- Research, assess, and implement based on existing regulatory guidance.
- Personnel Policy Assessment
- Military personnel services addressing the full spectrum of subjects in the AR 600- series and others:
Uniform Wear, Weight Control, Military Evaluations, Leaves/Passes, military orders and other. - Research assess, and provide recommendations on policy issues.
- Military personnel services addressing the full spectrum of subjects in the AR 600- series and others:
- Command Program Implementation
- Military personnel services via implementations of command programs usually involving organizational
needs (not individual Soldiers): Military Awards, Military Recognition Programs, BRAC, Voting Program, DADT Program, Drilling individual Mobilization Augmentee, Program, Gifrts, Heraldy, Army Memorial Program, and other. Research, assess, and implement based on existing command guidance.
- Military personnel services via implementations of command programs usually involving organizational
- Initial Military Training Support
- Military personnel services related to DCG-Initial Military Training (IMT) and policy guidance supporting
diverse IMT actions: ENTNAC Waiver, Meritorious Promotion, Assignment, Reclassificaiton, MOS Renegotiation actions, and others. Research, assess, and provide information and recommendations in support of the IMT mission.
- Military personnel services related to DCG-Initial Military Training (IMT) and policy guidance supporting
- Command Support
- Provides HR input for Human Capital Enterprise, TRADOC Campaign Plan, and TRADOC
- Synchronization Meetings, MILPER Systems (IPPS)