Diversity Awards
For award templates and additional information, see HQDA Outreach Awards SOP.
Asian American Engineer of the Year (AAEOY)
- Military & Civilian
- Multiple Categories? YES
- Associated Conference/ Event held: N/A
- Submission Deadline: Feb-Mar
Black Engineer of the Year (BEYA)
- Civilian
- Multiple Categories? YES
- Associated Conference/ Event held: N/A
- Submission Deadline: Aug
Blacks in Government (BIG)
- Military
- Multiple Categories? YES
- Associated Conference/ Event held: N/A
- Submission Deadline: Aug
Federal Asian Pacific Islander Council (FAPAC)
- Military & Civilian
- Multiple Categories? YES
- Associated Conference/ Event held: N/A
- Submission Deadline: Feb-Mar
Federally Employed Women (FEW)
- Military
- Multiple Categories? NO
- Associated Conference/ Event held: N/A
- Submission Deadline: Feb-Mar
Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Award Corporation (HENAAC)
- Military & Civilian
- Multiple Categories? YES
- Associated Conference/ Event held: N/A
- Submission Deadline: Apr
Joint Women’s Leadership Symposium (JWLS)
- Military & Civilian
- Multiple Categories? NO
- Associated Conference/ Event held: N/Ainitiatives
- Submission Deadline: Apr
Latina Style Inc. Distinguished Service Award
- Military & Civilian
- Multiple Categories? YES
- Associated Conference/ Event held: N/A
- Submission Deadline: May/Jul
League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Excellence in Service Award
- Military & Civilian
- Multiple Categories? YES
- Associated Conference/ Event held: N/A
- Submission Deadline: ?
Women of Color (WOC)
- Military & Civilian
- Multiple Categories? YES
- Associated Conference/ Event held: N/A
- Submission Deadline: May/Oct
SECARMY Diversity & Leadership Awards
- Military & Civilian
- Multiple Categories? YES
- Associated Conference/ Event held: N/A
- Submission Deadline: Mar
Society of American Indian Government Employees (SAIGE) Meritorious Service Award
- Military & Civilian
- Multiple Categories? YES
- Associated Conference/ Event held: N/A
- Submission Deadline: May/Oct