Special Initiatives & Operations
Special Initiatives
Expeditionary Civilian Workforce (ECW)
The Department of the Army Expeditionary Civilian Workforce (ECW) Program was established to deploy civilians in support of military combat operations; contingencies; emergency operations; humanitarian missions; disaster relief; restoration of order; drug interdiction; and stability operations of DOD, herein collectively referred to as “expeditionary requirements,” and is in accordance with DTM 17–004. b.
AR690-1 – Army Expeditionary Civilian Workforce and Civilian Deployments (pdf)
Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS)
Workplace Flexibility, Fitness & Health
Agreement – Telework (DD Form 2946) (pdf)
Army Civilian Fitness and Health Promotion Program – Army Directive 2021-03(pdf)
Army Civilian Fitness and Health Promotion Program – DASA-CP(pdf)
Army Telework and Remote Work Guide(pdf)
DASA-CPDoDI 1035.01, “Telework and Remote Work,” January 8, 2024 (whs.mil)(pdf)
OPM Guide to Telework and Remote Work
TRADOC Fitness and Health Agreement(pdf)
TRADOC Civilian Health and Promotion Guidance, issued by TRADOC EDCG(pdf)
Civilian Professional Awards/Recognition
Army Regulation 672-20, Sept 2020 (pdf)
Delegation of Authority and Timely Processing for Honorary Awards and Public Service Awards (pdf)
Handbook for Civilian Professional Award and Recognition Program 5 July 2023 (pdf)
TRADOC Civilian Service Recognition Guidance, issued by TRADOC EDCG (pdf)
TRADOC Supplement 672-20, 24 January 2024: TRADOC Supplement to AR 670-20 (army.mil)
Cyber Excepted Service (CES)
The Cyber Excepted Service (CES) is a mission-focused, excepted service personnel system that aligns to both Title 10 and Title 5 provisions to support the human capital lifecycle for civilian employees engaged in or in support of a cyber-related mission. CES strengthens the Department’s ability to accomplish the mission in an ever-changing national security environment with greater flexibilities and options for recruiting and retaining high quality candidates.
CES Compensation Administration
TRADOC Delegations of Cyber Excepted Service Civilian Human Resource Authorities.pdf