CHRD_Special Initiative & Operations

Special Initiatives & Operations

Special Initiatives

Expeditionary Civilian Workforce (ECW)

The Department of the Army Expeditionary Civilian Workforce (ECW) Program was established to deploy civilians in support of military combat operations; contingencies; emergency operations; humanitarian missions; disaster relief; restoration of order; drug interdiction; and stability operations of DOD, herein collectively referred to as “expeditionary requirements,” and is in accordance with DTM 17–004. b.

AR690-1 – Army Expeditionary Civilian Workforce and Civilian Deployments (pdf)

Request for Deployment Form (pdf)


Cyber Excepted Service (CES)

The Cyber Excepted Service (CES) is a mission-focused, excepted service personnel system that aligns to both Title 10 and Title 5 provisions to support the human capital lifecycle for civilian employees engaged in or in support of a cyber-related mission. CES strengthens the Department’s ability to accomplish the mission in an ever-changing national security environment with greater flexibilities and options for recruiting and retaining high quality candidates.

CES Compensation Administration

CES Employment & Placement

CES Introduction

CES Occupational Structure

TRADOC Delegations of Cyber Excepted Service Civilian Human Resource Authorities.pdf

Student Volunteer Program