Train the Trainer

KM Training and Professional Development Portal

Knowledge Management Representative Course Train the Trainer (KMRCT3)

This course enables KMRC Trainers to deliver and facilitate the KMRC proficiently in accordance with the Army-Wide standard outlined in the KMRC Training Support Package (TSP).


The purpose of the KMRC T3 Training Support Package is to train, educate, and professionally develop Active, Reserve, and National Guard military personnel, Joint Military Services, Department of the Defense Civilians and certain Foreign Military personnel on Knowledge Management (KM) and Joint Service doctrine. The package is part of a series of Knowledge Management (KM) training and education products that help establish a systematic approach to quality assessment and performance improvement, and a methodology to switch from improvement to innovation to support the strategic outcomes of the U.S Army’s Training and Doctrine Command’s (TRADOC) KM program.

KMRC Instructor Qualifications:

KMRC instructors must be graduates of both the Knowledge Management Qualification Course (KMQC) and the KMRC T3, who have completed the following 3-step certification process as outline by the proponent office:

  1. Attend KMRC to observe how their assigned mentor facilitates the course 
  2. Aid their mentor in facilitating instruction during a KMRC 
  3. Facilitate a KMRC as their mentor observes and coaches  

Course Description:

The KMRC Train the Trainer (T3) course prepares you to facilitate the KMRC, which trains and educates Active, Reserve, and National Guard military personnel, Joint Military Services, Department of the Defense Civilians and certain Foreign Military personnel on Knowledge Management (KM) and Joint Service doctrine. The KMRC traditionally takes approximately 24-hours over 3 days to facilitate; however, it has a modular design to allow instructors to modify, substitute, or skip slides based on the organization’s local requirements, tools, time, and resources.  

The KMRC covers the fundamentals of KM, the four KM Components of people, processes, tools, and organization, the ADDPI (Assess, Design, Develop, Pilot, and Implement) Process Model, and considerations for change and content management. You will also instruct the KMRC students on how to use the KM Maturity Model and embedded KM Assessment Matrix Tool to assess their own organization’s KM practices and activities for improving their KM program. The purpose of KMRC is to train KMRs to employ effective KM practices and activities into their organization and to assess the effectiveness of those KM practices and activities for future improvement.   

The KMRC T3 course will prepare you to facilitate the KMRC using adult learning best practices and the Army’s Experiential Learning Model (ELM) to facilitate and guide student learning. You will learn how to incorporate appropriate concrete experiences, practical exercises, scenarios, and class discussions to guide your adult learners through the course as active rather than passive participants in learning. The T3 course also covers the four different types of learning styles and how to incorporate and engage each learning style while facilitating the KMRC.  

After you have completed the T3 course, you will need to complete a 3-step certification process (Performance-based Assessment) under a mentor’s oversight. First, you will observe an experienced mentor facilitating a KMRC. Next, you will assist your mentor in facilitating a KMRC as an assistant before the final performance-based assessment where you will be the lead facilitator while your mentor observes and coaches. Once your mentor is satisfied with your facilitation skills and your ability to maintain the Army-wide KMRC facilitation standards, he or she will recommend certification to TRADOC and you will become officially certified to facilitate the Army KMRC without supervision.


The T3 course consists of 24 hours of course material covered over 3 days within either an on-site classroom or a virtual learning environment; beginning at 0800 each day, with a daily one-hour lunch break included. Each day the course will begin with an introduction of that day’s topic modules and recap what was covered the previous day prior to introducing the first topic of the day.


How to Register:

  • Registration opens 30 days prior to class start date. You must complete the KMRC and KMQC prior to registering to be a trainer. Registration form
  • Please contact the OCKO office if you have any questions.
  • Syllabus

Contact Information:

Contact Laura “Caren” Sibley at for course registration information.