SCOE Onboarding

Organizational Onboarding Page

Combined Arms Support Command Sustainment Center of Excellence


Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) educates, trains, and develops adaptive Sustainment professionals for the total force while generating, synchronizing, and integrating innovative Army and Joint Sustainment capabilities, concepts, and doctrine to sustain Large Scale Combat Operations (LSCO) and multi-domain operations (MDO) with joint and multi-national partners for the Army of 2040.


CASCOM and the Sustainment Center of Excellence (SCoE) consists of eight schools: the Ordnance School (including the Defense Ammunition Center), Quartermaster School, Transportation School, Adjutant General School, Finance and Comptroller School, School of Music, Army Sustainment University, and two multi-branch Noncommissioned Officer’s Academies (NCOA).

The Soldier Support Institute (SSI) located at Fort Jackson oversees the Adjutant General School, Finance and Comptroller School, School of Music (SOM) and the NCOA at Fort Jackson.

HQ CASCOM staff includes the Deputy to CG, Chief of Staff, personal staff, special staff, coordinating staff and the Fielded Forces Integration Directorate.

Organizational Chart
CASCOM Regulation 10-5, Organization and Functions

History of CASCOM

The U.S. Army Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) at Fort Gregg-Adams, Virginia, had its origins in a 1950 Project VISTA study, which, among other recommendations, proposed that the Army set up a separate and independent command to formulate and test new concepts. With the establishment of the Combat Developments Group (CDG) within the Headquarters of the Office of the Chief of Army Field Forces in 1952, the Army began to evaluate the effects of scientific developments on Army doctrine, as well as evaluating development requirements for new weapons. Read more…

Days 1-6 Onboarding Schedule

Additional Resources